Ambasada USA w Warszawie Aleje Ujazdowskie 29/31 00-540 Warsaw Poland Sz. Pan Amb. Mark Brzeziński
Accusation of ethnic cleansing against Slavic Population using bioweapon
Dear Sire,
The media judges facts not words. What I saw was a picture of the death toll of the pandemic. It looked very like the map of our Slavic genetic haplogroups. Our haplogroup is R1a. We also have some specific haplotype mtDNA. How can we be sure that no one in the US corporate world used any bioweapon against us, Slavs?
We are more afraid of grand corruption from the US, than we are afraid of the Russians. We do not have such powerful courts that can impose a fine of 2.3 billion US dollars, like in the case of the US and its large scale fraudulent scammers (see print screen attached). We cannot legally protect ourselves against US-made bioweapons.
I visited a court in my home town some 2 months ago. I was told by an ordinary man waiting for his trial, that he was taught Russian in his school and he reads Russian media in the original. He said that Russians will be back in our town within a year and he found such plans in Russian media. I live 90 miles from Berlin.
The US for us in Poland means also grand scale fraud, gigantic corruption not seen in Europe. European countries are small, corruption crimes tend to be in the size of these smaller countries. The US is a big country and- as one US person told me, this is one of the reasons for the corruption in the US being so large, so gigantic, so huge.
I wrote these words some days ago. You failed to respond.
If I look into my postal box, I find more and more letters about the gruesome genocidal corruption in the US. Now I wonder if You by chance have attacked our country with a bioweapon? Have You? As the media, we look for facts and- not for Your words.
A doctor who recently gave his testimony at a public court in nearby Berlin, spoke:
"Now, just so I'll reiterate, later on, in the first wave, we had mostly black patients present to me. I had not a single Indian patient, not a single coloured [mixed race] patient, and not a single white patient in the first week. It was all black patients." (...) "And of course, I noticed something else unusual. In the second wave, it was mostly patients of Indian descent that came and saw me. There were no black patients anymore in the second wave. It was all patients of Indian descent. And then in the third wave, it was very few patients that were black or of Indian descent. And it was mostly the white population and the Muslim population that was affected in that wave. And I thought that to be very strange because I had assumed that it was the black population in the first wave because of their social circumstance.
Then I looked at the world around me and I found exactly the same happened in America. The first wave affected the African American population more than anyone else. The second wave ravaged India, and I had more Indian patients see me here in South Africa. And then in the third wave, it affected the Caucasian population globally and the Muslim population globally.
So that drew my attention to something far more sinister. I knew that I was dealing with an engineered virus. I assumed that it was a lab leak. But I also had at the back of my mind the understanding that this might have been pre-planned. And if you had a virus, with different variants that seemed to affect different systems, a propensity for different systems – respiratory in the first variant, gastrointestinal in the second and circulatory in the third – and had a propensity for certain ethnicity, that's a very bad omen. Because if this was pre-planned, then it's a preamble to ethnic cleansing. It's an understanding of how to affect different systems and how to affect different population groups with the mutations that you engineer into a virus. And so, I knew at that point that I'm probably dealing with the bioweapon." (source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/aqALWWvmVLEl/ )
Adam Fularz
Polish News Agency
Dolina Zielona 24a, 65-154 Zielona Góra PL
Attachment: letters sent on the US involvement in alleged ethnic cleansing of Slavs
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